The Afternoon Special

Bobbi Miller | QCODE

Your friend who knows just a little bit too much about pop culture. Each week, join Bobbi Miller as she takes deep dives into everything in pop culture that you never knew to ask about, but now need the answer to. “I started The Afternoon Special as a series of videos on TikTok to keep me sane in the beginning of the pandemic. Soon, I decided to take my pop culture love to podcasts and The Afternoon Special Podcast was born,” says Bobbi Miller, host and creator of the show, which was chosen as the Apple Podcasts' Spotlight pick for March 2023. Bobbi, who describes herself on the show as “your friend who know just a little bit too much about pop culture” takes her audience on an eclectic deep dive of topics that range from adult animation to vampires in media, and what makes the perfect holiday special.  “The main approach I have when deciding topics for the show begins with the question of ‘What’s a pop culture question that you didn’t know to ask, but now you’re dying for the answer to?’ and then the episode is born from there,” she says. Bobbi has great ambitions for the show, but ultimately, she wants to keep it enjoyable for both herself and the audience. “I hope the show will continue to expand into other formats like listen-alongs or live shows,” she says. “No matter what, I just want to make sure the show remains fun. I hope the audience always walks away from each episode either having learned something new or just having had a good time.” read less

Our Editor's Take

Listening to Bobbi Miller's sweet voice talk about pop culture is easy in The Afternoon Special. It's a podcast that answers pop culture questions listeners didn't even know they had. This weekly show is a place to learn about all of the interesting happenings around the world. After each episode, listeners might find themselves more curious, thoughtful, and informed. The series started in 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many pandemic hobbies finished quicker than they started. For Miller, however, The Afternoon Special stuck around. Her way of narrating and her insatiable desire for knowledge make her a great host. While she hopes to expand the show, her priority is keeping it enjoyable. That is for both herself and her audience.

Since its start, the show has featured many eclectic topics. This may come with the pop culture territory. Some previous ones include fandoms, Netflix series, shopping, animation, and more. Miller addresses Disney princess tournaments, Jurassic Park, and Top Gun. Each episode of her podcast tends to feature a theme. She then explains how different media formats have picked it up across the board. She comes across as authentic, open, and direct. Miller makes a point of being respectful and kind with her words. Although episodes vary in length, listeners can begin at any point in the journey.

The Afternoon Special transports listeners to many places in pop culture history. One day that might involve talking about nostalgic Saturday morning cartoons. The next day, listeners can expect to hear about the latest movie releases and media events. The friendly host, who's a bit of a fangirl, makes listening and learning a delightful experience.

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